Singing Guide: David Phillips

Singing Guide: David Phillips

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

David Phelps is a contemporary Christian singer who is known for his impressive tenor voice and his ability to easily hit those high notes. In this article, we will look at tips and techniques for singing like David Phelps.

One of the main things that set David's voice apart from others is the way he uses vibrato. He has a very natural vibrato that he uses to great effect in his songs. One way to develop a similar vibrato is to practice by singing long sustained notes and gradually increasing the volume as you go. You can also listen to David's songs and try to mimic his vibrato as you sing along.

Another technique to master is David's tone. His voice is very clear and focused, and he has great control over his vibrato. To achieve a similar tone, practice singing with an open throat and focusing your sound to the front of your mouth.

One song that showcases David's vocal technique is "No More Night". This song has a lot of high notes and requires good breath control and technique to sing well. To improve your vocal range and breath control, you can use Singing Carrots' pitch training game, practice breathing exercises, and work on your chest voice and vocal register transitions with their vocal range test.

Singing with emotion is also key to David's performances. To connect with the lyrics and emotion of a song, you can try singing it with different emotional interpretations and experiment with dynamics and phrasing. Singing Carrots' song search tool can help you find songs with similar themes and vocal ranges to David's songs.

To summarize, mastering vibrato and tone, breath control, and singing with emotion are key to learning how to sing like David Phelps. Practice exercises and techniques with Singing Carrots' pitch training game, vocal range test, breathing basics, and search for songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.